Gib Wood


Gib Wood

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Gib ... was born in December 1956. "Raised on a dairy farm in Brunswick, Maine, my family background was Quaker and my only real contact with church was through Vacation Bible School and Christmas and Easter programs. As a teenager, my first personal contact with the Gospel came through the ministry of the Woolich-Wisscassett Baptist Church in Maine. I made a profession of faith, knowing that I only wanted to get rid of them. It wasn’t until I was stationed at Sembach Air Base in Germany that I saw how a relationship with Christ could make a difference in a person’s life. September 3, 1978 saw me on the back row of Rheinland Baptist Church as a lost church member. When Pastor George Zane preached and gave the invitation in the evening service, the Lord had my full attention. I trusted Jesus Christ for my salvation that night."

Bro. Woody and Kathy began dating shortly after he was saved, and they were married in June, 1980. Even before leaving Germany, it was obvious to both of them that the Lord would have them return to minister to the American military. The Lord led them to Bible College in Tennessee and Florida, and Bro. Woody graduated in 1984. The Wood's have served the Lord in Germany since October 1986, and have been at Rheinland since June 1991.

Kathy ... was born in November, 1962 and claims Tennessee as home. However, she has spent most of her life in Germany. "I was saved as a young girl at the Landstuhl (Germany) Bible Baptist Church in December, 1969. My dad, Dr. Wilbur McBride, was in the Air Force at the time, and he had been saved just a couple of weeks earlier, at a retreat in a castle in Heilbronn, Germany. After Dad retired from the Air Force, we moved to Tennessee so that he could attend Tennessee Temple and receive his Bible training. We returned to Germany in 1978 as missionaries to the military. That’s when I met Woody. We began dating, and were married in June 1980." 

The Lord has given the Wood's four children: Karin (1983), Audra (1985), Andrew (1988), and Keith (1991).  He has also blessed the Wood's with nine grandchildren.